Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Rush Hour

heya people :) ujian udah selese, remidi juga udah (gw kena remed sosio sama ekonomi -_____-) dan sekarang waktunya hari hari tanpa pelajaran akademis :D haha i love these days !

gw kira setelah ujian, nunggu rapotan, itu bakalan jadi hari yang santai kayak di pantai . eh ternyata .. not at all ! gw sibuk buanget di sekolah mulai tanggal 22 Juni sampe tanggal 1 Juli . ada even pameran seni di sekolah gw, terus selesenya even itu langsung disambung sama MOS (ospek buat anak SMA) . gw terdaftar sebagai panitia dari kedua even itu loh :D

sibuk dan melelahkan . but it's pretty fun to do !

walopun gw mesti rapat sana rapat sini, gw tetep seneng ngejalaninya . soalnya gw punya banyak temen yang ngedampingin gw dan kerja bareng bareng meski kita beda bidang sie ^^

yang bikin gw gak tenang adalah rapotan . gw pengen masuk IPA, dan gw harap nilai gw cukup bagus buat kesana . well you know, di universitas ntar gw pengen ngambil jurusan yang bisa bawa gw menginjakkan kaki di luar negeri, terutama negara impian gw : Inggris - The United Kingdom . i've been dreaming about going to this country even since i was 3 years old .

so, doain gw ya bloggies :D

anyway, pengen cerita dikit nih soal someone . gw lagi deket sama cowok, dia orang Scotland . gw ketemu dia di teenchat kan, terus kenalan di MSN . ngobrol-webcam-ngobrol-webcam dan sekarang kita udah mulai smsan :) gw seneng kenal cowok kayak dia . dia baik, ramah, walopun penampilannya agak punk dan terkesan sangar :P and guess what ? i start to think about him everyday and every minutes ! lol :D is it love or just ordinary feelings ? haha whatever :P dan doa gw kepada Yang Maha Kuasa adalah : semoga dia jodoh gw . amiiiiiiiiiiin :DDD

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Grazie di Tutto

08.07.2009 - 17.06.2010

this is our story .

beautiful like a fairytale .

amazing like a miracle .

awesome like a dream .

but yeah, everything has its finish line .

it's hard to believe that we're not together anymore .

it's over now .

but i swear i won't forget you .

i won't forget the laugh we've shared .

the tears we've dropped .

the dreams we've imagined .

and they joy we've had together .

you cheered up my days in many ways .

you always tried to make me stronger .

you always tried to put a smile upon my face .

you always tried to erased my tears .

you always tried to make me happy .

so nothing else i can say except thank you .

thanks for everything .

grazie di tutto

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kick Off !

WORLD CUP 2010's gonna be STARTED !!! :D

hello kawan, besok (11/6) udah kick off nya world cup lho :D ah seneng banget gw, akhirnya event yang udah gw tunggu sejak gw baru LULUS SD dateng juga ^^ (4 taun yang lalu tuh)

saking hebohnya gw sama event yang satu ini, gw rela make sedikit dari waktu belajar gw demi nonton kick off nya world cup . inget kan, minggu ini gw lagi ujian =.= dan hari Sabtu besok (12/6) jadwal ujian gw si duet maut, Biologi sama Sosiologi . ah tapi demi world cup, gapapa deh waktu belajarnya minus 2 jam xD *don't try this at home . parental guides are necessary when your kids read this post . buahahahahaha*

anyway, kalian jagoin apa di world cup ?

gw sih Italia, Inggris, sama Brazil :D tapi Spanyol juga bagus sih .

so, are you ready for the World Cup 2010 ?


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Battle Begins

hell yeah, the battle BEGINS !!

hmm kalian tau gak, besok gw bakalan menghadapi perang . iya, berangkat ke medan perang !
tapi bukan perang sama Israel ato Korut . tapi perang sama soal-soal .

as you know, i'm gonna face my final exams . and they'll be started right from tomorrow .

ujian kali ini bakalan serem deh kayaknya . namanya aja UKK, Ujian Kenaikan Kelas . dan nilai semester 2 gw ini bakalan nentuin ntar di kelas XI gw masuk jurusan apa . I wish I can be a SCIENCE-CLASS student !!! dan buat UKK ini, gw harus belajar mati-matian, terutama buat matematika . soalnya nilai ulangan harian mat gw pada buruk rupa =.=

but, doing a hard-study is not easy ..

di saat gw musti belajar segiat mungkin, gw malah lagi seneng-senengnya MSNan . udah gitu semalem pas gw MSN-an sambil webcam-an, gw kenalan sama orang Scotland kan nih ceritanya . gw kira orangnya tipikal remaja Inggris biasa gitu . eh ternyata, (thanks God, subhanallah walhamdulillah) ni anak gantengnya masya Allah ! agak punk gitu, tapi ramah . suka senyam senyum gitu .

hmmm .. but educazione e numero uno ! :D

okelah, mendingan seminggu ini gw empet MSN-an demi belajar buat UKK . ntar sambung lagi deh abis UKK . buat kamu, cute Scottish boy, pedekate-nya ntar aja ya abis gw ujian ! huahahahaha xD

*padahal siapa juga yang mau pedekate =.=*

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Terrific's Favourite Playlist :)

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy doze of atmosphere
'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the nights turn light blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
The silence isn't so bad
Till I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist deep in thought because when I think of you
I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again
Then I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh if my voice could reach back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear
Oh darling I wish you were here

Vanilla Twilight - Owl City

his songs are always sang byThe Spectacular Terrific (us) anywhere

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